About Us

My story….

My hand dyed yarns are inspired by the sea and shore where I grew up.

I’m a classically trained knitwear designer who is a lover of yarn and textiles since I was a wee girl playing under my mothers knitting machines.
By taking my fine arts degree combined with my many years working with thousands of lovely knitters of all ages, I have a knowledge of yarns and fibers that ensures I only choose the very best textiles that meet my high standards. My goal is to produce extraordinary colors on yarns that bring joy and comfort to those who knit and wear them.

Taking my fine arts degree and my knowledge of yarns and fibers, my goal is to produce extraordinary colors on yarns that bring joy and comfort to those who knit and wear them.

I grew up at the feet of my mother’s home knitting machines, where my mom owned a knit studio before becoming a yarn shop owner (In business from 1987-2020). I marveled at how ladies could sit and knit for hours, chatting about life and strengthening their friendships with fellow knitters. I always told myself I didn’t have the patience! But then crochet happened one quiet afternoon in the middle of summer.. At that time, I became enamored with making crochet purses and doll clothing for my friends.

My first sweater, a seamed raglan, was designed in 1997 (I was 13!) and I couldn’t figure out how to tell right side from wrong side… not completely my fault, since the yarn was super bumpy. I loved the math, the calculations, the excitement of seeing a design come alive. It was at that time that I knew I wanted to design knitwear.

Fast forward to college, where I studied fashion design at MCAD in Philadelphia and was classically trained to drape, draft and make woven and knit patterns. I interned with Debbie Bliss in London between my junior and senior year, which brought me closer to my goal of knitwear design by teaching me the aspects of technical design.

Shortly after graduating with my BFA in Fashion and Textiles, I landed a design job at Plymouth Yarn Company. Having worked as designer, and then design director, from 2009-2017, I learned about advertising, marketing and, my favorite part: watching a yarn come to fruition from concept, colorwork, spec and then design. I get so much joy out of seeing a fellow knitter make something I designed. It truly brings happiness to my heart to know someone enjoyed what was once a sketch in my mind.