This item is not stocked and will be ordered from Ashford when you place your order. It can be mailed directly to you affordably (drop ship) from New Zealand! Email me for the details and to see if the item is backordered- info@capemayfiber.com
The Ashford e-Spinner SUPER JUMBO has the super size flyer and bobbin of the Country Spinner 2 and power, versatility and portability of the e-Spinner 3 to make a hardy hybrid wheel. Conveniently spin and ply up to 3lbs of yarn with efficient hand controls and easy to change Jumbo bobbins. Take your spinning on the go with this hefty, transportable E-spinner.
Designed for you to spin all yarns - fine yarns, chunky yarns, creative yarns, textured yarns and of course all your plying